IAA is no longer “just” about cars. It’s about everything that makes and keeps us mobile.
At this year’s IAA, Designworks’ President, Holger Hampf, participated in a panel discussion that explored the role of design in our rapidly transforming cityscapes and environments, and how these changes influence the role of the vehicles around us.
Along with Holger, the panel featured former BMW Group Design Chief, Chris Bangle, as host, and panelists Wayne Burgess, VP Design Ola Electric Ltd and Thomas Stellmach, expert on strategic sustainable urbanism.
The dialogue generated many powerful insights, from how governmental entities can shape the future of our cities as “curators of experiences” to embracing the unique culture of our environments, and resisting the threat of generic spaces. Yet what persists throughout the conversation, is the urgent need to design for change. The panelists highlight the importance of transitioning from designing solid, immovable structures to designing fluid, agile systems that embrace the rapid change occurring around us.
Watch the video below for a front row seat to “How Infrastructure and Design Shape the Future of our Spaces” at IAA 2021.
How Infrastructure and Design Shape the Future of Our Cities
Cityscapes and our environment are changing rapidly. Digital influences and new designs are shaping a new image of a modern metropolis. This panel is about exploring how design reacts to these changes and how it effects the vehicles around us. Hosted by former BMW Design Chief Chris Bangle, Designworks President, Holger Hampf, together with Wayne Burgess, VP Design Ola Electric Ltd and Thomas Stellmach, expert on strategic sustainable urbanism, will discuss challenges and opportunities brought about by digitization, climate change, autonomous driving, as well as changing societal values and customer expectations.